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Thursday 8 December 2011

Film pitch feedback

Research characters more to build a descriptive profile of each character. 

Think about the lighting aspect and the props, more detail. 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Narrative research

1.How does the opening establish characters and threat?
It is made immediatley clear  that a man is trapped in a bathroom because we see that he is chained up and if you enjoy these films you will know the previous films. Therefore we know that he is the victim as he is trapped and chained up. The threat is unkown to begin with which creates a sense of mystery.
2. What type of narrative is it? Linear restrictive etc?
From the opening it seems as if the narrative is linear as everything is in order as flash backs for forwards are not used. But later in the film this may be made evident. Its a restricted narrative because in the opening the audience dont know why the man is trapped, who he is or where he is.
3. What audience expectations does the opening create?
Immediatley the character starts to amputate his own leg making it clear that the entire film will contain a lot of gore and nasty images.
4. What generic conventions are evident in the opening?

  • Dark lighting
  • Loud, deep, dark, scary music. (relies heavily on this as there is no dialogue) 
  • Gore
  • Death
  • A fear of the unknown
  • Blood
5.How are the titles integrated in the opening sequences?
The man uses a saw to amputate his own leg, and the film is called Saw 3.

1.How does the opening establish characters and threat?
The threat is introduced as a spaceship is shown landing on earth, this is abnormal because we don't come across U.F.Os in our daily lives. We instantly know that something is wrong because of this twist and change in our scientific knowledge.
2.What type of linear is it? 
From the opening it appears that this film has a linear narrative, this could be chosen because it adds a realistic touch the film allowing the audience to connect with the film and be very frightened.
3.What audience expectations does the opening create?
From the opening the audience expects a mysterious, sc-fi film because of the U.F.O and the unknown theme already shown. They expect a film full of mystery and possibly other sci-fi conventions or characters.
4.What generic conventions are evident in the opening?

  • The unknown
  • Strange objects

Google Trends

On Google Trends we searched things that are often in horror films or tragedies in the media as horror films often use a recent event in their film as they know it will scare people because it relates to their present lives. 

Textual analysis

Questionnaire responses

The first questionnaire response shows that a mixture of horror sub-genres is preferred as they like thriller horrors,psychological and gore, shown from "the Others" and "Saw". They believe a detailed and thorough story line is key to creating horror and an interesting film, relating to their choice of thriller films. They would not like to see realistic gore as it moves away from the scare factor to the more humorous and also explicit scenes where unneeded as they're not necessary.
The second questionnaire response shows that they prefer any horror film as long as it has a good, unexpected twist within the storyline as this would add excitement and tension to the horror. They also feel like a good story line is key to a good horror film. Unlike the first response who likes realistic gore, this response does not like gore at all showing that you have to be cautious about certain audiences tastes and whether some may be too sensitive to view your film.

Target audience demographic analysis report