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Thursday 27 October 2011

Half-Term Homework Assignment Emmy Brown

1.Use of the Camera
Does your finished work show that you can:

-Hold a shot steady?
My finished work does show that I can hold a shot steady as throughout the camera is still due to the correct set up of the tripod, and during 0:34 to 0:42 there is a tilt which is smooth and does not shake.
-Frame a shot appropriately?
During the whole thing i ensured that the subject was to the right or left of the frame in order to create perspective and attract the viewer whilst getting the right amount of the character in the frame without too much space above their head.
-Use a variety of shot types?
There are all sorts of shot types in the clip, I tried to not only match the ones in the original clip we were copying but also add more to make it more exciting. I featured some of the simplest of shots such as: a mid shot, shown at 0:19, to the more advanced like a canted angle, visible at 0:54.
-Use composition techniques?
The main composition technique i used was the rule of thirds as i kept the grid on the camera screen throughout filming to try and get the subject where the lines crossover creating more tension than if the subject was simply placed in the centre. Although i do think more care should have been taken to use more composition techniques such as the golden mean as i think it is lacking in this area.

2.Use of Editing
Does your finished work show you can:

-Apply the rules of continuity editing?(Do the shots flow together?)
The shots flow together to some extent, for the majority the continuity is fine but i do understand that during parts, such as at 0:16, you see the corner of the room in which the subject was supposed to be sitting at and afterwards Is somehow back In the corner. I knew that this would be a slight problem but it was the only way I could film the shot without seeing furniture because I couldn't get the location I had hoped for. Despite this problem, I do think the shots flow together very well as there's no drastic change of scenery or props. The clip has been edited using IMovie very well, by cutting out the unusable parts or scenes which may hinder the flow and continuity of the clip.
-Choose appropriate editing transitions to put your shots together?
All of the editing transitions are cuts as I feel that if you add a fade into a horror film the tension will go whereas a cut builds the tension and allows the clip to be fast paced and energetic. A cut is an approprate choice of shot due to the footage being filmed and the genre of the clip.

3.Selection of Content
Does your finished work show that you can:

-Choose appropriate costume, make-up and props for your film genre?
My finished work does show this as the character  is supposed to be possessed so by wearing the white dress as a costume it reflects a uniform in some kind of mental institution as they're often seen in white, which is often used in horror films. It also almost blends into the background adding to the ghostly and supernatural effect.The make-up is thick black eye-liner around the eyes and on the arms to give a ghostly look as if the character is in a state of death and possession, the symbols on the arms create a sense of mystery. The costume and make-up has been chosen to match those in the original clip as much as possible.
-Choose appropriate locations and settings for your film genre?
The original clip was set in a white room so I decided to film the clip in a white room I have in my house as it not only matches the original but is also really spooky and mysterious as nobody will know where the whereabouts of the character is. We had to alter the scene of the dead body at 0:51 because we didn't have anywhere dark enough to shoot so we decided to film outside and edit it later. It works really well though and still looks scary.
-Choose appropriate actors for your film?
A young teenage girl is used to act in the clip as this character stereotypically portrays vulnerability which is needed in a horror to show clearly who is the victim. As you wouldn't normally think anything bad would happen to this character it adds that shock factor to the film when she becomes possessed.


-What did you do to help complete the film? (Be specific and discuss your contribution to the planning, filming and/or editing)
  I helped plan the film by assessing the original version to see what would be needed in terms of make-up, props and setting to get it as acurate and similar as possible. I filmed all but one shot in the film as the group decided the strengths and weaknesses of each person and assigned them with a role, mine was directing, plus the other member of the group was acting in the film. I ensured a range of shot types were used and composition techniques were used effectively, really stressing that the subject remained on the right or the left of the shot.
   During editing, I didn't do so much as this is my weakness but i did give a second opinion to the editor just to ensure that the film was visually pleasing and had little continuity errors. In addition, I did contribute by helping choose the background music, assessing which worked and built tension and which were slightly weaker at doing so.
-What improvements could be made to the finished film? 
The main thing in which could be improved is the continuity error at 0:17 in which the character is shown out of the corner she was originally in, after this shot she is then shown back in the corner. This could be improved by filming that scene in the corner, it would have been easily done if there was not furniture in the way.
Is there anything that you will do differently when it comes to your final coursework film?
I will definitely push forward the need for atleast three people to work with me in a team as there were only two of us this time it did become quite difficult trying to do everything so our end clip probably could have been miles better with the use of a third person. I will also make sure that the production is slightly better planned as i do think we didn't put as much effort into it as we could have by choosing a location that was avaliable on filming day.

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