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Thursday 24 November 2011

Key Horror Conventions

We googled "horror films" into google and picked a website, we copied text from the site and pasted it into Wordle to create the above image. It shows the key themes associated with horror films.

Key themes:

  • Satanic 
  • Possession 
  • Mystery 
  • Realistic
The Wordle shows us that sub-genres of horror are often satanic or possession, we have used this trend by making our horror film a possession sub-genre. The theme of mystery is important as people often have a fear of the unknown as we come across it in our day to day lives, we have also used this idea within our plot. Realistic is also key because you want your film to look scary but it has to be believable to create an authentic, frightening film.You want the audience to still be scared long after they've seen the film.

Questionnaire Results

Favourite Horror Films

What makes you go and see a horror film?

Who do you go to see a horror film with?
What makes you go to see a horror film?
Favourite scenes from a horror film?
What do you not like to see in a horror film?


How does the film use new media to advertise the film and encourage audience interactivity?
At the top of the film's website there is a Facebook and Twitter link so you can follow update's from the film, allowing you to learn more about it and get an insight which may really intrigue some, persuading them to see the film. Social networking sites also promote the film because they're very popular all of your friends will see that you have 'liked' or became a 'fan' of the film which may encourage others to check it out.
You can also use YouTube on the site to ''scare your friends'', so when your friends are shown this link they'll instantly be introduced to the film.

Who is the site target audience?
The sites target audience is definitely comfortable computer users, so probably teenagers and young adults as they are most familiar with social networking sites. Also from my previous research, i found that Horror films appeal to 18 year old males so this is most likely to be this film's target audience.

How does the site establish audience expectations of the film?
The site uses big bold writing with a creepy font and black background so it definitely tells you straight away that it's going to spooky and gory. Above the main text on the site it says ''from the producer of Dawn of the Dead'' so the audience will definitely have high expectations and expect it to be as scary as previous films made. You get glimpses of characters which creates a sense of mystery as you're not too sure who is in it.


-How do the films use the new media to advertise the film?
Straight away on IMDB you see that you can 'like' this film on Facebook, which tells me they have a page on Facebook to advertise their film. You can also 'share' the page to Facebook, Twitter and Myspace.
When you go onto the films website you can see that immediately there are links to Facebook and Twitter as they are the two most popular social networking sites.
-How do the sites use new media to encourage audience interactivity with the film? 
By having direct links to huge social networking sites, on both IMDB and their own website, enables people to talk with each other about the film instantly making it more popular.
-Who is the site target audience? 
The films website looks as if its target audience is teenager or young adults because there are many links and phrases that talk about social networking sites, and these sites are mainly used by teenagers. I also think its aimed at boys because the general layout isn't very 'pretty'. Also, according to our research it is apparent that the main target audience for horror films is 18 year old males.
How does the site establish audience expectations of the film?
The background is plain black and the writing of the title is red. This ties in with the name of the film 'The Devil Inside' as red connotates danger and death. Its a very plain and simple website which gives a feeling of emptiness and adds to the tension of the film. A clip of the film is immediately shown before you can enter the website, and the clip is of a woman in a mental asylum, again highlighting the feeling of emptiness.

Thursday 17 November 2011

Target Audience Research: Red State

The target audience for Red State is under 18 males. It's now safe to say that the dominating audience for horror films is under 18 males as these graphs have continually shown this result.

Males 2,118 5.4
Females 437 6.1
Aged under 18 50 6.8
Males under 18 33 7.8
Females under 18 17 5.7
Aged 18-29 1,424 5.7
Males Aged 18-29 1,140 5.7
Females Aged 18-29 270 6.2
Aged 30-44 930 5.3
Males Aged 30-44 801 5.2
Females Aged 30-44 123 6.1
Aged 45+ 159 5.0
Males Aged 45+ 132 4.9
Females Aged 45+ 24 5.6
Top 1000 voters 47 5.3
US users 283 5.5
Non-US users 1,909 5.4

Target Audience Research: Faces In The Crowd

The main target audience for Faces In The Crowd is under 18 males, they definitely dominate particularly in this graph with quite a figure of 7.8. The problem with this graph is that not many people have voted but despite this you can still see a very clear outcome.

Males 2,118 5.4
Females 437 6.1
Aged under 18 50 6.8
Males under 18 33 7.8
Females under 18 17 5.7
Aged 18-29 1,424 5.7
Males Aged 18-29 1,140 5.7
Females Aged 18-29 270 6.2
Aged 30-44 930 5.3
Males Aged 30-44 801 5.2
Females Aged 30-44 123 6.1
Aged 45+ 159 5.0
Males Aged 45+ 132 4.9
Females Aged 45+ 24 5.6
Top 1000 voters 47 5.3
US users 283 5.5
Non-US users 1,909 5.4

Target Audience Research:The Walking Dead

Following the trend, the main audience for this film is under 18 males, particularly US citizens, it's now definitely becoming clear who the dominant audience is but there will always be this problem with Imdb results as older audience members won't use the site.

Males 53,395 8.7
Females 9,149 8.8
Aged under 18 2,961 9.3
Males under 18 2,464 9.3
Females under 18 441 9.2
Aged 18-29 41,879 8.8
Males Aged 18-29 35,452 8.8
Females Aged 18-29 5,903 8.9
Aged 30-44 16,263 8.6
Males Aged 30-44 13,631 8.6
Females Aged 30-44 2,330 8.8
Aged 45+ 2,097 8.3
Males Aged 45+ 1,631 8.4
Females Aged 45+ 426 7.7
IMDb staff 7 7.3
Top 1000 voters 197 8.1
US users 16,454 9.0
Non-US users 36,984 8.6