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Thursday 10 November 2011

Opening titles analysis

Film one: 'Somebody Help Me 2'

Production companies (in order of appearance):
  • Brian and Barrett films
  • AZ films
  • A Christopher B.Strokes film
Credits (in order of appearance):
  • Brian and Barrett films
  • AZ films
  • A Christopher B.Strokes film
  • Malika Haaq
  • Introducing Azur De
  • Sonny King
  • Milo Stokes
Why are the credits in this order?
The credits are in that order to show the importance of actors, if the film features a major A Lister then it will see this as a vital opportunity to ensure audiences they know that this big star is in it. If the actors are unknown this may be the same with big production companies. The word 'introducing' is used as this actor will have a big part, they're second, but may not be well known. 
What fonts are used and why?
 A standard, bold font in white is used because it leaves it very simple, a fun style of font would completely ruin the opening and set the film to be some sort of parody or joke. So this font ensures the seriousness whilst contrasting against the dark background.
Production logo:
The logo of the production company AZ films is of a badge with a film reel wrapped around it. Although this logo does not specifically scream horror films, the reel may represent feeling trapped as it squashes the badge. Despite this, I do not think this prepares you for the film as this company probably does not specialize in horrors due to it's logo.

Film two: 'The Grudge 2'

Production companies (in order of appearance): 

  • Columbia
  • Ghost House Pictures
Credits (in order of appearance):
  • Columbia, which then turns into the Grudge with the title 'The Grudge 2'
  • Ghost House Pictures
  • Colombia Pictures and Sam Raimi present 
  • A Ghost House Pictures production
  • A film by Takashi Shimizu
  • Amillir Tamblin
  • Arielle Kerbil
Why are the credits in this order?
Columbia pictures comes first as it's a well known distributer and has many well known films. Second comes the production companies and directors, this shows the actors involved may not be well known-otherwise they'd be first. Later are the actors, in which only a couple are shown due to the unpopularity of these protagonists.

What fonts are used and why?
For the credits a standard block text is used in white to contrast against the black background, this stands out well. But further on a black font is used which fades, it reflects the grudges hair (this turns out to be a key scary factor in the movie) and washes away.

Production logo:
The production logo is the standard Columbia woman but due to it's lack of scariness, they change it for the film and she turns into the Grudge character. This is a real shock factor as many are used to the normality of the Columbia logo and see it lots, but to have it changed prepares the audience that this film will be far from the ordinary due to this change.

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